When seeking academic advising, please contact the appropriate advisor based on the information on this page. Your advisor should be listed in your Bronco Web account. If you are not sure which advisor to contact, please phone Ammarra Han-Khorn, Business Operations Coordinator of the College of Health Sciences Student Services and Academic Advising Office, at (208) 426-1678 or ammarrahankhorn@fatemeeting.com for assistance.
General Advisor:
Email: HSAdvising@fatemeeting.com
Undergraduate Student Advisors:
Juniors and Seniors
Maddi Allsop
Office: Norco Nursing and Health Services Building 116
Phone: (208) 426-4216
Email: maddisonallsop@fatemeeting.com
Schedule an appointment
Freshmen and Sophomores
Sharon Gilchrist
Office: Norco Nursing and Health Services Building 116
Phone: (208) 426-2454
Email: sharongilchrist@fatemeeting.com
Schedule an appointment
K-12 Physical Education Teacher Education
Last names begin with A-G
Advisor: Dr. Kim Tucker
Office: Bronco Gym 218A
Phone: (208) 426-4223
Email: KimTucker@fatemeeting.com
Last Names begin with H-O
Advisor: Dr. Jane Shimon
Office: Bronco Gym 206
Phone: (208) 426-1531
Email: Jshimon@fatemeeting.com
Last Names begin with P-Z
Advisor: Dr. Tyler Johnson
Office: Bronco Gym 208
Phone: (208) 426-5870
Email: Tylerjohnson6@fatemeeting.com
Pre-Athletic Training
Last names begin with A-I
Advisor: Dr. Gen Ludwig
Office: Bronco Gym 101
Phone: (208) 426-5216
Email: genludwig@fatemeeting.com
Last names begin with J-R
Advisor: Dr. John McChesney
Office: Bronco Gym 203
Phone: (208) 426-1481
Email: johnmcchesney@fatemeeting.com
Last names begin with S-Z
Advisor: Dr. Phil Ford
Office: Bronco Gym 110
Phone: (208) 426-4278
Email: philipford@fatemeeting.com
Additional Advising
Tina Freeman, MHS
Office: Bronco Gym 209A
Phone: (208) 426-3366
Email: tinafreeman@fatemeeting.com
Graduate Student Advisors
Laura Petranek PhD
Office: Bronco Gym 108D